The Memory of the Joop Westerweel Resistence Movement in Israel and the Netherland
המאמר "The Memory of the Joop Westerweel Resistence Movement in Israel and the Netherland" נכתב על-ידי Joyce Van de Bildt ביולי 2017 והוכנס כפרק בספרו של Remembering the Second World War – Patrick Finney
הספר יצא לאור בשנת 2018
המאמר מסכם את פעולות ההנצחה בארץ ובהולנד, לפעילותה של מחתרת "קבוצת ווסטרוויל"
The Memory of the Joop Westerweel Resistence Movement in Israel and the Netherland is an article that was written on July 2017 by Joyce Van de Bildt and was added as a chapter in the book Rmembering the Second World War written by Patrick Finney
.The book was published on 2018
The article summarize the commemoration activities in the Netherland and in Israel for the Westerweel Underground Group